This Is Why Every Parent Loves Invidyo’s Smart Cry Feature


During early infancy, babies rely on crying as their main means of communication. Up until 3 months of age, babies can only convey their emotions, needs, and discomfort through crying. After that period, they start using sounds albeit unintelligible. However, crying is an important manner of conveying feelings. Being parents ourselves, we understand the importance of tracking, monitoring and analyzing your baby’s crying habits.

Invidyo’s Smart AI Monitor is the only baby monitor on the market that provides parents with Smart Cry Analysis. The monitor records every crying session on an hourly basis. It provides parents with a daily and weekly count of how many times their infant cried and for how long. Moreover, it also provides a visual representation of when your baby cried during the day.

Why is Smart Cry Analysis important?

This feature is important for parents for a number of reasons. For one, if you are a working parent and rely on babysitters or nannies, it helps you keep an eye on your child throughout the day. It instantly notifies you of your child’s discomfort through Smart Instant Notifications sent directly to your phone.

Another great reason every parent needs this feature is to better understand their child. With crying being the only way an infant can convey their feelings, it becomes very important to notice, learn and understand your child’s crying habits.

The Invidyo Monitor app provides a visual representation of collected data in the form of a graph. The first graph displays the Crying Count and the second one provides the Crying Duration. This allows you to note how many times your baby cried during the day or week and for how long. It also shows you the exact time for each crying session accompanied by a recorded video of when it took place. Moreover, the app provides a quick summary that gives you a full picture in one glance. The summary includes the Total Cry Counts, Total Duration of Crying, and the Longest Crying Duration. Based on the setting you choose (either Daily or Weekly), you can read the metrics provided. But that is not all the analytics provided in the app. What’s more?

The app also displays a detailed graph of every hour during the day during which your baby cried. You can check the hours during which your infant cried as well. Moreover, you can choose to toggle between Crying Periods and Crying Durations in the Crying Hours graph. Parents can also choose to select the particular crying session and watch the corresponding recorded video of their baby crying. This is a great way to understand and address your baby’s needs and remove potential triggers for your child.

The interface is easy to use and displays information in a systematic manner. It is easy to scroll through and read the analysis generated. These metrics enable parents to understand their babies’ habits, triggers, levels and reasons for discomfort. It also helps parents provide a greater level of comfort for their infants.

Being the only baby monitor that uses AI technology to track, record and analyze your child’s crying habits, the Invidyo Smart AI Monitor is essential for every nursery. Smart Cry Analysis is only one of the many features provided in this all-rounder baby monitor.

Invidyo’s Smart AI Baby Monitor is the perfect choice to understand and learn more about your baby’s secret life. Whether you are around or not, Invidyo keeps an eye on your child at all times.

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