toddler cough

Toddler Cough Causes, Care and Remedies


Toddlers are exposed to a lot of germs and irritants as they grow. That is why it is not uncommon for parents when toddlers become sick. The first instinct is to chalk every symptom up to the flu or a cold for the most part. One of the most prominent and recurring ailments witnessed is the toddler cough. However, because colds and cases of flu are so common in children, parents just assume that the coughing is a symptom of an oncoming cold.

That is not correct, unfortunately. Coughing in toddlers can be completely harmless and caused by a simple irritant like dust. And it can also be quite serious and indicative of illnesses such as asthma or bronchitis. So when should you start worrying? Well, let us begin by understanding why toddlers cough and what we can do about toddler coughing.

Why do toddlers cough?

In essence, the act of coughing comes from the body’s reaction to an irritated windpipe. The lining of the windpipe can become irritated due to an illness. As the body produces more mucus and phlegm in response to sickness, coughing is caused in an attempt to clear the pathway for air. This allows your child to breathe easier.

However, you cannot diagnose every cough to the oncoming flu. There are different types of coughs. Understanding the different types of toddler coughs will help you better identify what is ailing your little one.

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Dry Coughs

A dry toddler cough is indicative of influenza or a cold. This leads to a dry and hacking toddler cough. Interestingly, these symptoms might get worse if you place your child in a warm room. While dry coughing usually hints at infections in the upper respiratory tract, it can also be a sign of early infection in the lower respiratory tract.

Asthma can also be a leading cause of dry toddler coughing. This might begin with dry coughing during the night and gets worse when the child is exposed to irritants such as cigarette smoke.

Wet Cough

Wet coughing in toddlers is generally caused by the secretion of fluids and mucus in the lower respiratory tract. This includes the lungs and the windpipe. Infections, as well as asthma, can contribute to wet toddler coughs.

Whooping Cough

Severe and incessant coughing fits that are deep and fast are characterized as whooping coughs. The frequency of these coughs in toddlers is usually between 5 to 15 rapidly following one another. In more serious cases, whooping cough can lead to breathing difficulties as your toddler struggles to get enough oxygen in their system.

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How to care for a coughing toddler?

There are many different ways to care for a coughing toddler. While most of these tips are generic, they help you keep things under control if the situation is not very serious. Sometimes, your toddler’s coughing can be caused by nothing more than a dry throat.

Keep your toddler hydrated

Keeping your toddler hydrated is very beneficial for an irritated throat. Drinking lots of fluids prevents the mucus from thickening. You can also choose to feed them hot soups and warm liquids to soothe their throat.

Keep them calm

Avoid any form of strenuous activity or exercise. You should make sure that your toddler rests themselves. In older children, you will be able to notice rather more obviously how physical exertion worsens coughing.

Breathe in the cool air

Cool air is highly helpful for toddlers with dry or whooping cough. Breathing in the cool air reduces swelling that might be present in the respiratory tract. Take your child outside for a quick breath of fresh air. If the weather outside appears to be warm, you can rely on the cool air from an open fridge or freezer instead.

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Keep an eye on them

While monitoring your coughing toddler all day long can be difficult, it is really not that demanding if you are equipped with the right tools. Invidyo helps you out in this regard with its incredible Baby Cam. With its Smart Cough analysis, it monitors how often and when your toddler coughs and instantly notifies you.

It also supplies you with a daily summary that enables you to gauge your baby’s health levels. Besides, this greatly helps with visits to the doctor or pediatrician. With a proper log of your baby’s coughing patterns, your doctor will be able to determine the issue and find a cure far more easily.

The Invidyo Cam comes in especially handy if your child has asthma. Being one of the most frequently occurring illnesses in toddlers, asthma is an irritating and recurring sickness. Plus, it can be triggered by a simple viral infection.

Simple home remedies for toddler cough

There are some simple home remedies you can use to reduce your toddler’s cough temporarily. These remedies will provide relief to your child until you can take them to a doctor and get a proper diagnosis.


A lot of parents ask “will honey help my toddler’s cough?” and the answer is yes. Honey has a lot of soothing properties that calm down an irritated throat. Be careful not to give it to your child if they are less than a year old as this may contribute to botulism. You can also dissolve honey in some warm water and feed your child the soothing mixture. It will also help them with hydration.

Use a humidifier

Humidity in the air can greatly ease your toddler’s coughing woes. Cold air humidifiers are always a safer bet than warm ones. By adding moisture to the air, you will help your toddler’s airways remain moist. This loosens mucus and keeps their airways from drying out.

When to see a doctor for your toddler’s cough?

Granted, you can consult your doctor whenever you want; the issue is usually not serious enough to take your child to a professional. You can consult a doctor if you notice your toddler’s cough getting worse at night. You should also check in with your pediatrician if your child’s cough remains persistent and shows no signs of abating.


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