8 Tips For Dads To-Be: How To Be A Supportive Partner


Pregnancy is a thrilling phase in life, but it can also bring about significant stress.

Honestly, pregnancy and postpartum can be tiring both physically and emotionally for a mother. Throughout pregnancy, a mother may go through a range of emotions and intense physical changes. That’s why partner support plays a crucial role.

Numerous studies have consistently shown that partner support during pregnancy has a significant impact. It not only strengthens the bond between the mother and the father but also promotes the overall health and well-being of the expectant mother, her pregnancy, and the baby.

The findings of multiple studies consistently highlight the direct impact of a partner’s role on a pregnant woman’s stress levels. When women feel supported, they experience increased happiness, security, and reduced stress levels.

In today’s society, there is an increasing expectation for a pregnant woman’s partner to be actively involved during pregnancy. While many partners genuinely want to support their pregnant partners, they may feel uncertain about how to fulfill this role.

In this article, you will find 8 tips for being a supportive partner. 

Start with learning about pregnancy

By understanding the changes occurring in your partner’s body and their impact on her emotional and physical well-being, you can provide invaluable help and support. Empower yourself with knowledge to be the best support system she needs.

Equally important is ensuring the optimal development of your baby and being well-prepared for childbirth and postpartum. Discover valuable insights and practical tips to pave the way for a healthy and smooth journey into parenthood.

Here are some ways of learning more about pregnancy:

  • Read pregnancy books: Buy some pregnancy books and read them. Books can provide detailed information about pregnancy and the stages an expecting mother goes through.
  • Childbirth classes: Attend childbirth classes. Childbirth educators know almost everything there is to know about pregnancy and birth. You can attend a group class or get private classes.
  • Consult your experienced friends: If you have friends who have experience with pregnancy and babies, talk to them. Listen to their journey. Ask them what they did in certain situations.

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Listen, listen, listen

Pregnancy is an exhilarating journey, but it can also stir up a range of emotions for your pregnant partner. At times, she may face challenges, harbor concerns about childbirth, or experience self-doubt about her motherhood capabilities — or even a combination of all three.

Understanding and supporting her through these ups and downs are crucial for a nurturing and fulfilling pregnancy experience.

  • Be a shoulder for her to cry on.
  • Listen to all of her concerns.
  • Offer her the reassurance and support she needs.

Be open to talking and sharing

Open communication is a remedy for many situations.

Talking and sharing your feelings and experiences is just as important as listening to your partner’s. You may also have your own worries and concerns about the pregnancy and your upcoming role as a father. 

 It’s completely normal to feel this way, and it’s important to address and communicate your thoughts and feelings to ensure a supportive and connected journey for both you and your partner.

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Be present

Being there for your partner during pregnancy means more than just physical presence. It also entails being emotionally available and supportive. Taking the time to understand and empathize with her emotions, listening actively, and offering comforting words can make a significant difference in her experience.

  • Make arrangements to accompany your partner to prenatal checkups and share in the excitement of ultrasound scans. Being present during these important moments allows you to connect with the progress of your baby’s development and shows your support for your partner throughout the journey of pregnancy.
  • Get involved in the process of looking out for your baby. If physical presence is difficult to arrange, share the use of smart tools such as a smart monitor to keep an eye on your little one. The Invidyo Baby Cam allows multi-user support across multiple devices. 
  • Go with her to all of her prenatal classes, breastfeeding support classes, and anything else she decides to do to prepare for the birth of your baby. You will also benefit greatly from these classes.
  • Talk to your baby together. Connect with your partner and the baby by physical touch – feeling the baby in her belly.
  • Read about baby development together and share the information you get.
  • Acknowledge the connection you share, and actively share your feelings.

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Strengthen your bonds

After the birth of your child, your relationship may face unique challenges. It is important to invest some energy into strengthening the foundation of your relationship.

You can try,

  • Telling your partner what made you fall in love with her and what you love the most about her.
  • Talk about what makes you a good couple.
  • Share past stories.
  • Plan a date night.
  • Arrange a weekend away.

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Provide physical support

Carrying and nurturing a baby inside the body is a challenging task. During the first trimester, your pregnant partner may experience morning sickness, while the third trimester can bring sleepless nights and various physical discomforts.

Physical support during pregnancy is as important as emotional support.

Below are some tips on how you can support your partner physically:

  • Share a 20-30 minute walk each day
  • Attend a yoga class with her
  • Take on more chores and tasks around the house, e.g., cooking and cleaning
  • Massage her. Rub her back before she goes to sleep. Whether it is a foot massage or gentle head scratches, your willingness to provide it signals your protection and care for her.
  • If you have other children, give your partner a break by taking them out for a walk or on a day trip.
  • Ask her what she needs and if she feels you’ve missed anything. Make her feel comfortable when it comes to sharing her needs.

Take care of your physical health as well as hers

Both you and your partner’s physical health is important, and it’s crucial to prioritize yours, too. Taking care of your own well-being will not only benefit you but also support your partner’s physical health.

  • If you smoke, you can stop smoking or not smoke around your partner.
  • If your partner is trying to eat more healthy food, make an attempt to join her.
  • Do not drink alcohol around your partner too often. Plan activities like going to the cinema or going for walks.
  • Exercise together so she feels encouraged to stay fit.

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Pay attention to signs of your personal stress

Remember that your overall well-being is just as important as your partner’s. Take care of your own mental, emotional, and physical health. If you’re experiencing any challenges or struggles, communicate openly with your partner and seek support from a professional if needed. Prioritizing your own well-being will benefit both you and your partner during this journey. 

References: pregnancybirthbaby.org.au, verywellfamily.com, parents.com, todaysparent.com, whattoexpect.com, acog.org/womens-health, nct.org.uk

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